Location: 60km east of Inverell
Industry: Mining (tin, gold, silver, bismuth, sapphires), fossicking, fruit, onion, potatoes, linseed, oats, cattle, sheep, dairying
1844 Kerosene street lamps lit
1852 Town gazetted
1854 Post office built
1856 First lots sold
1858 First flour mill established
1859 Count house, including lock-up, built
1861 Telegraph established
1861 Population 288
1863 Cemetery established
1868 Glen Innes school built
1869 Flood
1871 Population 343
1872 Flood with death of one man
1872 Hail storm
1874 Court House replacement built
1874 New Glen Innes school built
1875 Snowstorm

1875-77 Hospital built
1876 New post office built
1876 New telegraph office
1878 Gaol built
1881 Population 1327
1882 Central New England Coach Factory established
1883 Iron foundry established
1885 Hail storm
1886 New gaol built
1888 Cordial factory established
1888 Fire Brigade established

1892 Hail storm
1893 Gasworks established
1893 Gas street lamps lit
1894 Glen Innes Co-op Butter Factory Co. Ltd established
1896 Post office demolished and rebuilt
1896 Telegraph office demolished and rebuilt
1897 Fire
1899 Typhoid epidemic
Abt 1900 Spiridonas Panaretos born 1876 to Panagiotis Notos and Marigo Maselou established the famous Peter’s store in New England. He returned to Greece on 1906 but returned to Australia to transfer his businesses to family and friends, including his Glen Innes store
1900 Confectionery factory established
1900 Earth tremor
1900 Panagiotis Souris (Peter Sourry) born 1884 to Kosmas Souris and Effrosini Panaretou spent four months in Glen Innes
1901 New Glen Innes Co-op Butter Factory Co. Ltd established
1901 Dust storm
1901 Population 2918
1902 Panagiotis Tzantiotis (Panagioti Zaunders) spent many years in Glen Innes
1903 Typhoid epidemic
1903 Haralambos Tsikalas (Michalakakis) born 1874 to Spiridonas Tzikalas and Maria Tzouanakis spent some time in Glen Innes
1903 Dimitrios Komesos (Demetrius Coomesos) born 1880 to Panagiotis Koumesos and Kiriakoula Mavrogiorgi spent eight months in Glen Innes
1904-05 Dionisios Theodorakakis (Dennis Cordato) born between 1873 and 1875 to Kiriakos Theodorakakis and Marouli Alifieri lived in Glen Innes before settling in Dubbo
1904-06 Theodoros Katsoulis (Theodore Catsoulis) born 1878 to Haralambos Katsoulis and Maroula Panaretou spent the first two years of his life in Australia in Glen Innes where he conducted a business before he settled in Grafton
1905 Nikolaos Koroneos (Nicholas Coroneos) born 1877 to Andreas Koroneos and Eleni Koroneou immigrated to Australia and settled in Glen Innes. He spent the first six months employed by a fellow countryman and eventually purchased this business with his brother
1906 Telephone exchange

1906-07 Leonidas Tzetzos (Leonedas Gengos) born 1884 to Georgios Tzetzos and Archontoula Trifili lived in Glen Innes
1907 Konstantinos Koroneos (Constantine Coroneos) born 1882 to Andreas Koroneos and Eleni Koroneou, immigrated to Australia and settled in Glen Innes. He owned two refreshment rooms and fruit shops with his brothers
1907 Ioannis Kominos (John Venery) born 1888 to Dimitrios Kominos (Veneri) and Erini Lianou spent nine months in Glen Innes
Abt 1907-10 Minas Megalokonomos (Mena Anthony Megaloconomos) born 1883 to Antonios Megalokonomos and Haidoula Tzortzopoulos, lived in Glen Innes
1907-10 Georgios Koroneos (George Coroneos) born 1884 to Andreas Koroneos and Eleni Koroneou spent the first two-and-a-half years in Australia in Glen Innes
1908 Glen Innes Co-op Butchering & Bacon Factory established
1908 Georgios Tsikalas (Michalakakis) born 1880 to Spiridonas Tzikalas and Maria Tzouanakis spent nine months in Glen Innes
1908-12 Panagiotis Kritharis (Peter Crithary) born 1895 to Papa Evaggelos Kritharis and Stamatoula Panaretou spent three-and-a-half years in Glen Innes when he first immigrated to Australia before settling in Warialda
Abt 1909-14 Theodoros Tzortzopoulos (Theodore Georgopoulos) born 1891 to Nikolaos Tzortzopoulos and Stamatiki Krithari spent six years in Glen Innes where he was a shop keeper
Abt 1910 Panagiotis Motis (Peter Mottee) born 1885 to Konstantinos Motis and Stamata Zaglaniki spent some time in Glen Innes
1910 Diphtheria outbreak
1909-13 Spiridonas Koroneos (Samuel Coroneo) born 1877 to Andreas Koroneos and Eleni Koroneou spent his first six years in Australia in Glen Innes before settling in Scone
1910 Fire
1910 MInas Tzortzopoulos born 1887 to Nikolaos Tzortzopoulos and Stamatiki Krithari spent his first few months in Australia working for Peters & Co.
1912-16 Panagiotis Tzortzopoulos (Panagioti Georgopoulos) spent the first four years in Glen Innes after he immigrated to Australia
1913-14 Nikolaos Kiprios born 1893 to Georgios Kiprios and Eleni Baggi lived in Glen Innes
Abt 1914 Antonios Zantiotis (Anthony Zantiotis) born 1894 to Stavrianos Zantiotis and Evgeniki SourI spent as months in Glen Innes before settling in Weston
1914 Diphtheria outbreak
1914 Dimitrios Tzortzopoulos born 1900 to Georgios Tzortzopoulos and Olympia Tzortzopoulou immigrated to Australia and spend the first two years in Glen Innes
1914-15 Ioannis Tzortzopoulos (Johannis Georgopoulos) born 1896 to Theodoros Tzortzopoulos and Kerana Tzortzopoulou spent his first three years in Australia living in Glen Innes
1914-16 Georgios Kominos (George Comino) born 1885 and his brother Theodoros born 1901 to Kosmas Kominos and Kerani Tzortzopoulou immigrated to Australia and spent their first two years in Glen Innes before both moving to Warialda
1914-16 Athanasios Frantzeskakis (Arthur Francis) born 1896 to Georgios Frantzeskakis and Zoitza Krithari lived in Glen Innes
1915 Fire
1916 Fire station built
1916 Alexandros Koroneos (Alexander Andrew Coroneo) born 1896 to Andreas Koroneos and Eleni Koroneou moved to Glen Innes to join his brother Konstantinos
1917 Glen Innes Co-op Butter Factory Co. Ltd burnt down
1917 Diphtheria outbreak
1918 Glen Innes Co-op Butter Factory Co. Ltd rebuilt
1918 Water supply established

1921 Measles epidemic
1921 Population 4830
1922 Electricity in town
1922 Electric street lamps lit
1922 Panagiotis Kritharis (Peter Crethary) born 1894 to Nikolaos Kritharis and Stamatiki Kipriou arrived in Australia and went directly to Glen Innes where he spent many years
1923 Theodoros Kasimatis born 1905 to Emmanouil Kasimatis and Stamatiki Kominou immigrated to Australia and spent the first nine months in Glen Innes before moving to Queensland
1924 Georgios Kritharis, born 1897 to Panagiotis Kritharis and Grigoria Mavrogiori, and Natalia Megalokonomou, born 1904 to Dimitrios Megalokonomos and Andriana Megalokonomou, were married in Glen Innes
1924 Nikolaos Kalokernos born 1895 to Emmanouil Kalokernos and Maria Aroni, and Marigo Megalokonomou, born 1899 to Dimitrios Megalokonomos and Andriana Megalokonomou, were married
1924 Vasilios Kalokernos immigrated to Australia and spent the first eight months in Glen Innes
1925-29 Zafiroula Krithari born 1896 to Dimitrios Kritharis and Eleni Farou lived in Glen Innes before she married Georgios Tzortzopoulos in Lismore
1926 Glen Innes Co-op Dairy Society established
1926 West Glen Innes school built
1926 Haralambos Kritharis (Harry Crethar) born 1903 to Dimitrios Kritharis and Eleni Farou moved to Glen Innes from Lismore and spent many years there
1927 Panagiotis Koroneos (Panagiote Coroneo) born 1912 to Theodoros Koroneos and Potheti Steliou spent three months in Glen Innes when he first arrived in Australia. He then settled in Tamworth then Armidale
1928 Glen Innes high school built
1929-31 Minas Kalokernos born 1900 to Andreas Kalokernos and Diamanta Tzane spent the first three years of his new life in Australia in Glen Innes
Abt 1930 In an unknown year Nikoalos Koroneos born 1903 to Theodosios Koroneos and Stamatiki Kiprou owned a business in Glen Innes.
Abt 1930s Konstantinos Baveas born 1903 to Stavrianos Baveas and Chrisanthi Koroneou owned a building in Glen Innes called “Condon House”
1930 Water filtration plant built
1931 Glen Innes Co-op Butter Factory Co. Ltd fire
1933 Caterpillar infestation
1933 Flood
1935 Sewerage
1936 Pneumonia epidemic
1937 An unnamed child of Nikolaos Kalokernos and Marigo Megalokonomou died and was buried in Glen Innes cemetery
Abt 1938 Aristotelis Zantiotis born 1885 to Dimitrios Zantiotis and Marigo Zantioti moved to Glen Innes where he worked for the Sourry family with his father Dimitrios
1940 Dimitrios Zantiotis born 1885 to Aristotelis Zantiotis and Erini SourI immigrated to Innes to work with his son Aristotelis for the Sourry family
1941 Population about 5400
Abt 1944 Georgios Zantiotis born 1864 to Stavrianos Zantiotis and Evgeniki SourI spent 18 months in Glen Innes after serving in the Australian Army in WWII
1944 Plane crash killed five people
1949 Hail storm
1952 Glen Innes Co-op Dairy Society closed
1952-56 New hospital built
1954 Measles epidemic
1954 New telephone exchange building built
1956 Hospital closed
1961 Population 5771
1964 Cyclone
1965 Drought
1974 Glen Innes Co-op Butter Factory Co. Ltd closed
1981 Automatic telephone established
1981 Population 6052
1987 Water treatment plant built
1994 Drought
1999 Clock tower built
2001 Population 5722
2002 Cyclone
2011 Population 5173
For more information in the history of Glen Innes I thoroughly recommend "Historical Guide to New South Wales" by Philip SImpson.